
Doin' the Dempster

Our host Paul is waiting for us at Inuvik airport. We land 20 minutes late, but Paul says that’s not unusual. He helps load the bike boxes into the back of his truck and drives us to his home. Inuvik airport! We are exhausted from 60 hours of travel, and worse, I start to feel like I've caught the flu or something along the way. I remember the man on the train to the airport who started talking to us about flying with bicycles, a subject he knew nothing about but still felt compelled to give me advice on. He had been spitting while talking, and I had hoped I wouldn’t catch anything. Tired from the flight and feeling ill, I have to focus on being a good guest at Paul’s. We assemble our bikes on Paul’s deck while he’s at work. To our dismay, Sofia’s brand-new front chainring is bent! It must have taken a hard hit during transport to be so out of shape. Is the trip over before it even begins? I feel annoyed about spending so much money to get here, possibly for nothing. I consider our

Cycling the Dempster Highway

Life in Lapland

Bicycle diaries 2023

Salsa on the beach

Queuing in Cuba

Cycling north

Glimpses from Lapland

Have I ever been to Sweden?